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Covered Wagon Camping: Like The Oregon Trail, But Fun!

Who doesn’t remember the iconic game The Oregon Trail? We all experienced it. Guiding your brave crew of settlers across rugged terrain, fending off dangers, and inevitably losing a few folks to dysentery. Well, we’ve got good news: covered wagon camping at Timberroot is nothing like that. Sure, you’ll step into a covered wagon just like the pioneers of old, but with Timberroot, you get all the adventure and none...

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Experience Nature’s Best: Chester Frost Park in Chattanooga

When you’re in Chattanooga, you’re in adventure territory, and that means finding those hidden spots where nature, history, and a good dose of fun all collide. Enter Chester Frost Park. This sprawling park and campground is located along Chickamauga Lake and is practically begging you to grab your fishing rod, dust off that old tent, and come join the fun.   Whether you’re into fishing, swimming, or enjoying a peaceful...

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